Whatever Happened to...Todd Marinovich?

For this week's edition of "Whatever Happened to...", we examine a tragic figure of Oedipean proportions, a wunderkind whose father pushed him just a little too far, a man with a once flowing mane...the incomparable, incorrigible Todd Marinovich.
Marinovich is the epitome of the term "groomed for success." His father, Marv Marinovich, is a former NFL lineman now famous for his innovative workout technique, Proper Body Exercise. The elder Marinovich still trains the likes of Troy Polamalu, but it was twenty years ago he coached his brightest protege, a then hirsute Todd Marinovich. Todd garnered national attention at Capistrano Valley High by shattering national passing records, making him one of the most prized recruits of 1987 (which, incidentally, is probably the best year in I Love the 80s). He followed in his father's footsteps (without much say) by going to every UC Berkeley students' favorite safety school, USC. He led the Trojans to a Rose Bowl in his freshman year, but ultimately left school early to join the Oakland Raiders as a first round draft pick.
The rest of this cautionary tale is known by every schoolboy who dreams of playing in the NFL as a quarterback: he left the NFL within a year amid drug scandals, played briefly in the Canadian Football League & Arena Football League (he's still on the record books in the AFL for 2nd most passing yards in a game), followed by rape charges, and recently, more drug charges.
The question we must address is this: how could the Golden Child fall so far from grace, going from record holder to roach holder? How could Todd Marinovich morph into Todd Bridges? And what was up with that hair?
To say Marv had high hopes (honestly, no pun intended) for his son is an understatement. Anything less than perfection was ordinary in Marv's mind. And up until his first year in the NFL, Marinovich really did do no wrong...sure, he got into some trouble regarding drugs at $C, but he still got drafted in the first round, receiving a healthy $2.27 million deal with the Raiders. But most NFL players will tell you the leap from college to the NFL is like going from a tricycle to a Harley Davidson. And Marinovich was ill-equipped for a hog...he was slow, he was inaccurate, and he just didn't "get it."
Todd's father was, in a word, dominating. Explaining how he raised Todd, Marv stated, "I told him when to eat, what to eat, when to go to bed, when to get up, when to work out, how to work out." The strings were held Gepetto Marinovich. With that kind of pressure put upon his shoulders, Todd struggled. Everyone else's expectations (including an SI Cover Article with the ominous headline "Wither Todd Marinovich?") didn't help either. I am not a licensed therapist, but it is pretty easy to surmise that Todd turned to drugs to escape this pressure.
The old adage goes "there's no such thing as bad press." But when it's your first year in the NFL, and you're on one of the most visible teams in the league, bad press will ruin you. So with sub-par numbers and rumors of drug use swirling, Marinovich headed to greener pastures: Canada. But within the friendly confines of the CFL, and later the Arena Football League, Marinovich never found his groove. So it is not surprising that in his latest arrest in May of 2005, he listed his occupation as "unemployed artist" (kind of like Kevin Federline). The arrest really epitomized his career: he tried to escape by bicycle, but police caught up with him 15 blocks away. He never could escape from the defense in the NFL either.
The story of Todd Marinovich is a cautionary tale. You don't end up on ESPN's Top 25 Flops list by accident...Michael Jordan didn't wake up one morning wondering how he ended up on a minor league baseball team. No, Todd's story is one of unmitigated expectations, an overly controlling parental figure and a lack of self-worth outside that conferred by others (that last statement might be self-evident...let me think about it).
Towards the end of my favorite sports movie, Hoop Dreams, William Gates explains, "They ask me, 'Will you remember me when you're in the NBA?' I should ask them, 'Will you remember me if I'm not in the NBA?'" Perhaps Todd should have asked those around him a similar question...
I graduated the same year as Marijuanivich (as he was known in high school and later) from Dana Hills High School and worked out with Marv during the summers. To say Todd was a messed up kid was an understatement. To watch the two of them interact was to understand how Todd ended up as a total screwup. It was embarrassing.
Kellen Winslow Jr. was unavailable for comment on the analogy of tricyle to motorcycle in going from college to NFL.
Todd is doing great things now. He is happy working with kids, teaching them his art, throwing the football. He has taken the pressure off many fathers who haven't learned from Marv's mistakes. He coaches the kids with intelligence and leadership, and is a great example of loving the game. He truly loves the game and is an excellent coach. The game is lucky to have him back involved.
I am thrilled to hear that he has gotten his life back on track. I graduated from Capistrano Valley High and although I did not know him personally he certainly made high school football games fun for us all. He probably got lost like so many do and the pressure became to great. Just becuase he didn't do what was expected does not mean that he did not turn out as a person. He evenutally found himsrlf. Thanks you mburns for letting us know that he is now a success and has overcome a drug addiction which is one of life greatest challenges.
Todd has been nothing short of a blessing to young aspiring athlete's in the local San Juan Capistrano area. His humbleness and humility is what is most apparent in his approach with kids, yet his eyes and heart still glow with a passion that inspires the best out of these kids. I'm honored to have him working with my sons. We all stumble at some time in our lives, it's how we come back that shows true character. Todd is destined for great things to come.
Todd has been nothing short of a blessing to young aspiring athlete's in the local San Juan Capistrano area. His humbleness and humility is what is most apparent in his approach with kids, yet his eyes and heart still glow with a passion that inspires the best out of these kids. I'm honored to have him working with my sons. We all stumble at some time in our lives, it's how we come back that shows true character. Todd is destined for great things to come.
I am honored to say that I have known Todd for many years, and have been with him through many life changes. He is one of the most talented, caring, giving, passionate people I have come accross. To read the papers and pass judjment on a person is really a shame. If those people could spend even 1 hour with Todd, they would have a diffrent opinion of him.
The knowledge he has and the natural gift he has is a great asset. He has such an awsome story of strenght, humility and vulnerability. He is now able to help kids work through situations with a diffrent understanding than most.
I am a better person today because of Todd and everything he went through.
yeah, I see NOW how well Todd is doing, busted YET AGAIN. gheeze., people let this loser be aroudn kids???
Yeah I bet his eyes lit up when the cops took that powdered meth out of his guitar case too lol. Busted for skateboarding??!?? C'mon playa you can do better than that!
whatever happened to his younger step-brother...i heard dad was coaching him as well???
Are all you saps talking about the same Todd Marinovich who gave Touchdown Jesus the finger at Notre Dame? Is this the same clown who has enough legal troubles to qualify him to play for the bengals? Paternity suits and rape charges - I wish he could coach my daughter. And what kind of loser is skateboarding in an illegal area at the f'in age of 38?!?! Dude, you're not in high school anymore(although I bet you wish you were!).
By the way, loved the Kellen Winslow Jr. comment.
Let me first begin by correcting your weak and fabricated little tale about Todd. He has never and I repeat never had this "attempted murder" charge hanging over his head much less even a suspect for such a thing. I happen to be a close friend of his and through out the years he has touched my life, expanded my mind and taught me to appreciate things that I often overlooked in life. His true beauty is his soul for it takes a man of great strength to be able to of overcome his short commings and still be able to be such a warm, compasionate man. In a world where so many are trying to be something they are not, he is real. He has his faults (what man doesnt) unfortunately his just happen to hit the press every time he makes a mistake. He has accomplished what many only dream about. I know many of you say that I would of done this or done that given the same opprotunity but you can not pass judgement on one til you have walked a mile in the're shoes. Even though I still to this day don't understand why on earth didn't toss anything illegal he might of had while trying to evade the NBPD? My only thought is that in his mind he would never be able to forgive himself if a child was to come accross anything of such a nature. I would of tossed it, most of us would, but not Todd. To this day he stands up and takes blame when it is due in front of all to see and critize and yet still can look in the mirror and smile every day!
Ive know "Red" since he wa 15 yrs old.
The folks commenting here do not know what they are talking about.
His life was publicized, and I am absolutly certain that one of your family members or great friends has experienced the same tragic moments.
He is the best at what he does and unfortunately he was the best %*%&^ up in the public eye.
The touchdowns were never in the spotlight. Plus, the "Chief" and his achievements......all I see here is blah blah blah......if you don t know him personally, then shut d f u
Gameday C.
Seem harsh, did he ever have a childhood before college and the pro's?
Wow..... People in glass houses should'nt throw stones. I was recently in treatment with Todd in December, where he taught the big book, his big book breakdown was unlike any other. He made recovery: intresting, inspiring, funny,and was very passionate. I did'nt know the "football" Todd. But I know Todd NOW, a man that has touched several peoples lives, and is 100% dedicated to recovery. He is also a very spirtiual man, he now practices living in gods will and not his own. Also PEOPLE, all these charges occured while he was in his desise..... People don't just blow off all the hard work they have put in..... such as making it to the NFL! and blow it in a healthy state of mind, he was sick, and for the record umungst many who have suffered from the desise of addiction. Whats done is done, its in the past. What Todds focus is now is Today. He has pulled his boot straps up and is moving fwd. in life. Which is more then I can say for alot of people. People should'nt judge, its not your job and you dont know the whole story, no one will, but God and Todd. I can't speek for the old Todd, but as for the Todd today, one of the coolest, funniest, spiritual men on the plannet. YOU ROCK TODD!!!!! (LINDA R. LOL)
crack head!!!!!!!
crack head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
royleegreen said: crackhead!!!! What you up at 5:22am writing shit about Todd? What's your inspiring story? Why can't you sleep, greenie, doing the green weed, your self?
or would that be the white powder in the pipe.
guys like greenie make me sick. 15 yards for piling on and thrown out of the game. If you could play soccer I'd give you a red card and suspended for the next game. You obviously have a self esteem problem. You got to try and bring others down so you can feel superior. Put that bong down and get a life of your own.
how does anybody get to judge this man??? He was "forced" by his surroundings to be a football "star" and maybe he hated football... maybe he wanted to be something else and just acted out.. this was a young man and i damn anyone would judges him... p.s. i know who talks crap about this man (marinovich) hates their life.
Wow. This post has drawn pathetic, jock-shiffing maroons like flies to a pile of dog shit.
If you guys were defense attorneys, your closing argument would go like this: "If you don't know my client, you have no right to judge him, so just shut the f up, you pathetic losers!" The jury would return in five minutes with a 12-0 vote to convict.
Get a life, but if you can't handle that, at least be sycophants to a success. A loser attracting losers is redundant.
Nicholas Stix
Todd is my hero, you'll never see a lineman like him in the NFL!!!!
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